Study the Impact of Adopting Biometric Technology Authentication Systems in Organizations

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Monika Nagar, Akansha Verma, Suman Yadav, Anshika Prakash


Identification and access is a impression that has developed over time as the requisite to constantly detect individuals and grant access to confidential and sensitive data has become so important. Its impact can be felt in most organizations, specially multinational corporations engaged in top-secret research related to security-related pharmaceuticals, technology, power, and human biology. Recent vulnerabilities have highlighted the significance of extending validation protocols in sensitive areas of the economy for instance financial services and banking. Furthermore, new regulatory necessities for secondary authentication mechanisms emphasize the usage of biometric technology as an optional but reliable means of authentication. The focus of this research is to examine the impact of introducing biometric authentication systems within an organization. This study uses a secondary (exploratory) research methodology, a purely research study examining the implications and implications associated with the adoption of biometric systems within organizations. Managers of these institutions say their intentions to introduce competitive factors are determined by the organizations financial resources and perceived advantages related to technology. This study expands our understanding of the recruitment literature by showing how structural factors influence organizational actor decisions and by applying recruitment theory to a new technology, biometrics. The integration of these biometrics has increased their impact and impact on organizations.

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