Selection of New Genotypes of Winter Chickpeas with High Productivity, High Photosynthetic Productivity, Resistance to Fusariosis Disease and Adaptation to Mechanism

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Dilmurodov Sherzod Dilmurodovich et al


More than 12 million tons of chickpea were grown in the world in the last year's season, and India, Australia, Myanmar, Pakistan, Turkey, Ethiopia, Russia, and Iran are the countries that produce the most chickpeas. Currently, the possibility of meeting the demand for chickpea grain from the crop grown in our republic is very low. Therefore, grains of the main leguminous crops are exported from abroad. In turn, the year-by-year increase in population increases the demand for chickpea grain. It is no secret that the main part of the cultivated crop is collected by manual labor. Solving this problem requires the creation and introduction of varieties adapted to mechanization.

In the study, 20 winter chickpea genotypes were evaluated and selected under irrigated field conditions. Winter chickpea genotypes were determined by parameters such as growth period, plant height, location of lower pods relative to the soil surface, yield indicators, weight of 1000 grains, NDVI indicator, chlorophyll content, and protein content. Among the 20 studied varieties and lines of winter chickpea, 3-4 days earlier than standard varieties, adapted to mechanization, plant height 58.0-64.3 cm, weight of 1000 grains 345.6-370.1 g, yield 21.1-26 ,1 c/ha, protein content of 27.7-29.3 percent, high photosynthetic productivity, 7 genotypes were selected. In the study, the Obikor (KR20-CICTN-37) variety, which is early-yielding, adapted to mechanization, has high photosynthetic productivity, and is superior to standard varieties, was selected and recommended to be submitted to the Agricultural Crops Varieties Testing Center.

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